Language Humor
epub |eng | 2018-10-23 | Author:Gertrude Besserwisser

ears die Ohren die Löffel (literally, spoons) die Elefantenohren (I guess it’s self-evident what size they are) die Segelohren (literally, sail-ears—I mean, why use a spinnaker when you have a ...
( Category: Language Humor July 1,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:O'Séaghdha, Darach; [Séaghdha, Ó Darach]

Local Flavour Some words only appear to have an Irish meaning to Irish people. To the rest of the world they just appear to be normal English nouns. Road frontage ...
( Category: Etymology June 29,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Geoff Tibballs [Tibballs, Geoff]

O Obi-Wan Kenobi mobi (mobile phone) (After the Jedi Master from Star Wars.) Ocean liner shiner (black eye) Ocean wave shave Oi Jimmy Knacker tobacco (Oi Jimmy Knacker was a ...
( Category: Language June 27,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-10-11 | Author:Lingo Mastery [Mastery, Lingo]

Head in the clouds - Tending to live in the imagination and not firmly grounded in reality. Noreen's head is always in the clouds. She seems to live mostly in ...
epub |eng | 2011-02-24 | Author:Mark Twain [Twain, Mark]

These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions. And they are not rare; one can open a German newspaper at any time and see them marching majestically across the ...
( Category: Language Humor March 25,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-01-02 | Author:Sandra Newman [Newman, Sandra]

PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792–1822) Shelley really, really couldn’t do life. At Eton, he was routinely beaten up for being a sissy. At Oxford, he wrote and circulated a pamphlet called ...
( Category: Reading & Phonics March 24,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Colleen Mullaney

1½ ounces cachaça 1½ ounces cherry liqueur ½ ounce lime juice club soda lime and cocktail cherry for garnish In a shaker filled with ice, combine the cachaça, cherry liqueur, ...
( Category: Gothic & Romantic March 21,2020 )
epub |eng | 2018-12-24 | Author:Stephen Dodson, Robert Vanderplank

oinobares, kunos ommat’ ekhon, kradien d’elaphoio [oi-noh-bah-RESS, kew-nos OHM-mat eh-KHOHN, krah-dee-AYN deh-lah-FOY-oh] When Achilles gets fed up with Agamemnon’s insults, he really lets him have it:“You drunkard with a dog’s ...
( Category: Etymology March 13,2020 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2009-05-19 | Author:Okrent, Arika [Okrent, Arika]

Blissymbolics was in some ways a throwback to the seventeenth-century philosophical languages. Bliss broke down the world into essential elements of meaning and derived all other concepts through combination. But ...
( Category: Puns & Wordplay March 25,2014 )